priMe haBitat Design | Build
Award Winning High-Performance Custom Homes
Serving Kelowna & the Okanagan
Contact Us to Learn Your Options.
Custom Homes | Enhanced-Efficiency Homes | Net Zero Homes | Passive House |Deep-Energy Retrofits
Kelowna Net Zero Home Design. Kelowna Net Zero Home Builder. Kelowna Passive House Design. Kelowna Passive House Builder.

The Okanagan's Premier Award-Winning Design | Build Firm!

- Certified NetZero Home Builders
- Certified Passive House Builders

priMe haBitat Builders: Kelowna's Premier Net-Zero Energy and Passive House Design | Build Firm.
Net-Zero |Deep-Energy Retrofit Renovations | Passive House

What is a Passive House? It is a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling.
It's a building standard that is truly energy-efficient, comfortable, affordable and ecological at the same time.
Passive House is a construction standard that can be applied to both residential and commercial buildings, and has stood the test of practice.
Yet, a Passive House is more than just a low-energy building. It is about comfort and livability.
Passive House Explained in 90 Seconds!
Mike Banner, President of priMe haBitat Design | Build talks about the Heat Pump Hot Water Tank, the Circulation Pump and some of the special efficiencies employed in this NetZero Home.
In this video, Mike Banner, President of priMe haBitat Design | Build talks about the air flow in this NetZero Home, and the ventilated interior doors that make this home so efficient, healthy and full of fresh, clean air.
Mike Banner, president of priMe haBitat Design | Builder, demonstrates the HRV Charcoal Filter Option. This is effective in reducing/eliminating wildfire smoke, pollutants etc coming into your home.
A Mid-Construction Tour of priMe haBitat Design| Build's Net Zero Lakefront Home 2020. Air Barriers, Wall Assemblies, Dense-Pack Cellulose....

Mike Banner, President of priMe haBitat Design | Build talks about the HRV/ERV and the air flow in this Net Zero Home. Airtight home, with an ERV creates an amazing, healthy home full of fresh air.
Net Zero Home Design Kelowna. Net Zero Home Builder. Kelowna Custom Home Builder. Passive House Designer Kelowna. Passive House Builder Kelowna.
Welcome to the Kelowna Passive House!
A short video clip from our May 6, 2017 Passive House construction tour! priMe haBitat president speaks to the group about the home's airtight layers, insulation, heating requirements and more...
See Our "NET ZERO" Homes ....! NetZero →