priMe haBitat Builders: The Okanagan’s Award-Winning High-Performance Home Design | Build Specialists!
Are you considering a sizeable renovation of your older home? If so, it can be a GREAT time to also consider how to improve the efficiency of your home through practical, economical design and build techniques. Consider a “Deep Energy Retrofit” Renovation.
Our Design | Build team can take relatively simple, yet effective steps during the renovation to substantially increase the efficiency of your home, saving you money in ever-increasing energy bills for years to come. Not only does a deep-energy retrofit renovation reduce your energy foot-print, it also makes your home more comfortable and healthy. See the video below for a few examples of what we do to make homes more efficient and comfortable!
priMe haBitat Design | Build: We are experts in bringing beautiful spaces and thoughtful, efficient design together.

Deep Energy Retrofit Renovation

Deep Energy Retrofit Renovation

2018 Deep Energy Retrofit Kitchen