September 26, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

Green Building, Net Zero and Passive House discussions at the Kelowna Passive House Construction Tour! We are so pleased to have had such an engaging, interested, knowledgeable and fun group at our first Kelowna Passive House Tour.  Great questions about Green building and sustainable construction. The comments and thoughts from the crowd shows us how…

July 16, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

Via Castanet July 15,2016 Vancouver’s city council voted this week in favour of a plan to eliminate new building emissions by 2030 – a move FortisBC appears to have taken umbrage with. The Zero Emissions Building Plan sets a direction for future policies from the city, with the aim to eliminate all emissions from new…

March 30, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

The Kelowna Passive House Design is coming along!  priMe haBitat Builders is looking forward to building perhaps the most energy-efficient home in the Okanagan… We are getting closer and closer to finalizing the design of the Passive House!  Some adjustments to be made, but here’s a sneak peek..  

February 26, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

On Castanet News, Friday February 26th, 2016… “BC Hydro is calling for an interim, one-year rate increase of four per cent, adding about $4 a month to residential power bills. Hydro President and CEO Jessica McDonald made the announcement while offering an update on how the Crown utility delivers its 10-year rates plan. McDonald says…

February 23, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

What an incredible program offered through the Penticton campus of Okanagan College! Sustainable Construction Management Technology is an innovative, one-of-a-kind program that teaches students about sustainable green technologies, procurement, construction methodology and much, much more.  PriMe haBitat builders is so very proud to provide scholarships to some of the future green building stars in this…

February 17, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

February 17th, 2016: We have completed the full site & sun-path analysis for the project, which helps us determine the most suitable location for the home on the lot (see below). We are well on our way with the house and floor-plan design now!  More to come…

February 1, 2016 Net Z PH Zero

It’s a chilly day when I meet with David on his four acre lot in Kelowna.  From the first moment I stood on it, I knew that I wanted to build for him there.  The plot of land is a quiet, peaceful, beautifully bucolic setting, but still close to ‘it all’.  An area that inspired…